LMRL is offering a sport-focused First Aid course- geared specifically for Ringette coaches or our trainers through Primary Care.

Level C Certification: with sport-specific focus; wound management, concussion protocols, head, and neck stabilization (intro to spinal) plus CPR and AED.

4 hours of online prep work to be completed prior. 4 hours of in-person, hands-on training.

Date: November 15th
Time: 5:30 pm arrival (6:00 pm start) to 10 pm
Location: Tilbury Ice,
7187 Vantage Way, Delta
(Upstairs meeting room)

Cost: $140 per person

Register at athletedevelopment@lmrl.ca by November 10th. Earlier the better thought to have the time to do the pre-work.

There are 16 spaces available- however, 8 have already expressed interest. If there is enough interest- we can offer another course in January (prior to provincials). With COVID I know there are a lot of expired first aid cards out there… hopefully, this helps! I negotiated this style of course with the company back in 2020 to help make it more feasible for volunteers to get to and make it more relevant to what we might actually need. 8 hours is a lot when we are already knee-deep into the season!